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About Us

Knowledge and Rights with Young people through Safer Spaces (KRYSS) is an organisation that works with young people on the issues of freedom of opinion and expression with a gender lens.

Our Story

KRYSS Network began 18 years ago as a voluntary collective that is passionate about creating safer spaces for young people who are often denied opportunities and considered “too young” to join in the social activism scene to discuss issues they faced.

We started off with the fascination of how stories of others’ lived realities weave into our own narratives and sometimes become so embedded within us. We truly believe that if we can appreciate each other’s life experiences, we would be better able to bring about a nation that’s inclusive at so many levels.

Over the years, we got diverse peoples to understand each other across religion, ethnicity, gender, and sexuality. We conduct research to deepen our understanding of issues of identity, alienation, condemnation, and deliberate violence. We also build capacities of many who after which have not only the knowledge of human rights and who embraced the principles and values of equality, non-discrimination, diversity, respect, dignity and choice, space for discourse, and to move us to richer conversations and more substantive dialogues. We do all of this with the belief that every person is a potential catalyst of the nation we want to see, a nation rich in diversity, and most importantly, sincere in communicating across differences.

As of 28 August 2018, KRYSS Network is registered as a non-profit, limited liability partnership (LLP) as we felt that an LLP framework helped provide for a more inclusive and participatory organisational culture, allowing for decision-making and responsibility for the organisation to lie directly with those who do the work on the ground.

(PS. Fun fact: Our name was created in a coffee shop!)

About Us

Our Vision

We are committed to a world where all peoples, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion, age or any other status, are aware of and able to fully exercise their freedom of opinion and expression, public participation and bodily autonomy that is premised on gender equality, non-discrimination and feminist principles.

About Us

Our Mission

We work towards increasing the individual and collective agency of all, but especially women, young women, and gender non-conforming persons, in the full exercise of their freedom of opinion and expression through conscious strategy development that is supported by evidence-based knowledge, networking, and advocacy; and guided by feminist and human rights principles of upholding dignity, equality, diversity, respect, and choice.

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About Us

Our Values

KRYSS Network practices an organisational culture that is transparent, where accountability between and among team members is peer-driven, and where growth in understanding feminist principles and human rights values – equality, choice, diversity, respect and dignity – is not only encouraged, but encouraged as conscious day-to-day practices.

We aim to create safe(r) spaces and and equalise power in all activities, events, and internal interactions, guided by our cultural and values framework that emphasises on Accountability, Courage, Happiness, Ownership, and Openness (ACHOO).

ACHOO is underpinned by the following value statements:

We are willing and ready to carry the consciousness of equality, respect and care for each other in our work.

We stand ready to hold each other’s truths and to act despite our fears.

We enjoy each other’s authenticity freely and without judgment.

We own our ideas and the actions that transform them into reality to benefit the individual, the collective and the organisation.

We acknowledge that we don’t know everything and we welcome challenges to our presumptions.

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